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Books published by WARM are part of the artist’s book, contemporary poetry and document. They bring into dialogue different fields of creation and research: music, photography, poetry, human and social sciences, cinema …

Collection cinema

This collection is dedicated to cinema, meeting places, artists and actors of the cinematographic scene.
ISSN 2609-3790

Collection photo-graphie

This collection offers a meeting between two artists, one writing from the photographs of the other.
ISSN 2494-0380

Collection natures contrarier

This collection is interested in elements of nature modified or piloted by men and aims to outline, book after book, a sensitive and subjective landscape, giving to reflect the relationship of men to their environment.
ISSN 2553-078X

About books

WARM initiates or joins in activities and cultural action projects around its books, in conjunction with other players in the book chain: organization of photo exhibitions from books from the Photo-Graphie collection, literary walk , meeting with the authors, animation of literary cafes …

Network / Book Sector
Distribution in bookstores : Serendip Livres.

All our books are for sale on this site but also on the site of our independent partner bookstore, la Librairie M’Lire.

WARM is a member of Coll.LIBRIS, the collective of publishers in Pays de la Loire and Mobilis, a regional cooperation center for book and reading players in Pays de la Loire.

Portrait of WARM on Livre Paris 2017 website can be found here.

Portrait of WARM in the magazine Initiales, autumn 2019 :

WARM Initiales 2019
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